We have some exciting opportunities coming up through the Civics and Society Institute for Intermediate and Senior members this spring!
Firstly, the Civics 101 project, for Intermediate members, is a program that will meet 3 times online and focuses on local governments. There will be homework of watching a local government meeting to discuss at the final project meeting. The registration for Civics 101 is due 2/20/24, and can be found in the CA 4-H February Newsletter. They will start meeting on 2/22/24.
Civics 201 is for ages 13 and up, with an emphasis on our State government. The members will meet for 3 online meetings starting on 4/11/24 and will learn about the history of California, then research how their own family came to the state. To conclude the project, participants will draft a National 4-H Week Resolution to CA Legislature. Registration due 3/7/24.
Finally, Civics 301 is geared toward Senior 4-H members with a focus on Federal government, especially internship and career opportunities. The meetings will start on 3/7/24, and homework will be to schedule a Congressional Appointment if the member is going on the overnight experience. Registration due 3/7/24.
Both Civics 201 and 301 will have an optional overnight experience that can be attended by the members of the project. Civics 201 will go to Sacramento, CA, and visit multiple government and sightseeing sites, as well as meet with a government official. The maximum cost for this trip will be $650, which includes lodging and meals.
Civics 301 will visit both Washington, DC, and New York, New York, with many stops including, but not limited to, the United States Capitol, a Congressional meeting, the Smithsonian museums, the Gettysburg Battlefield, sightseeing destinations such as the Statue of Liberty, a Yankees game, and a Broadway musical. The maximum cost for this trip is $2800, and includes travel, lodging, and main meals (not including snacks or food bought outside of mealtimes).
The final costs for these trips will be posted by 2/15/24.
For more information on the programs and trips, check out the slideshow here, or for contact info, a quick overview of offered programs, and more Civic Engagement information, visit this page.